Foot and ankle medicine with a concentration on sports medicine and regenerative medicine.
Research Interests
Stem Cell
Courses Taught
General Orthopedics
Internal Medicine Biomechanics casting
Fundamentals of podiatric practice
Publications & Projects
Overview of Diabetic Neuropathy and Review of the FDA-Approved Oral Therapies. Ebony Love DPM DAPBM,
Michelle Garcia DPMc MS, Ziad Labbad MD DPM CPed. Abstract Accepted for the 2020 Annual Scientific
Meeting of the APMA.
A Literature Review Exploring the Use of Botulinum Toxin A Injection Therapy forChronic Exertional
Compartment Syndrome Treatment. Ebony Love DPM DAPBM, Michelle Garcia DPMc MS, Ziad Labbad MD
DPM CPed. Abstract Accepted for the 2020 Annual Scientific Meeting of the APMA.Ziad Labbad DPM, C.ped,
FAPWCA, FACLES, Ebony Love DPM, FAPWH, Deep N. Shah B.S, Yusuke Kihira B.S, Vsevolod Grinberg B.A.
Comparing the Etiologies, Signs and Drug Treatments of Gout: Literature Review. Ebony Love DPM
FAPWH, Tracey Vlahovic DPM, FFPM, RCPS (Glasg), Lesly Robinson DPM, Ziad Labbad DPM, Gilbert K
Huang BS. Abstract presented at the 2018 Annual Scientific Meeting of the APMA. First Place Winner
in Outstanding Poster Abstract (Large Case Study/Series).
Use of Extracorporeal Pulse Activation Therapy and Stem Cell Injection for Subtalar Joint Arthritis, A
Case Study. Ziad Labbad DPM, C.ped, FAPWCA, FACLES, Ebony Love DPM FAPWH, Alexander V.
Lakner DPMc, Rebecca Van Dyke DPMc. Abstract presented at the 2018 Annual Scientific Meeting of
the APMA.
Treatment of Lesser Metatarsophalangeal Joint Plantar Plate Tear via Extracorporeal Pulse
Activation Technology (EPAT): A Case Study. Ziad Labbad DPM, C.ped, FAPWCA, FACLES, Ebony Love
DPM, FAPWH, Deep N. Shah B.S, Yusuke Kihira B.S, Vsevolod Grinberg B.A. Abstract presented at the
2018 Annual Scientific Meeting of the APMA.
Utilization of Manual Therapy Including Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM) for
Recalcitrant Plantar Heel Pain. Steve Pettineo, Dr. Ziad Labbad, DPM, MD, Dr. Andrew J. Meyr, DPM,
FACFAS, and Chinenye Ezike, BS. The American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) 2018 and
Healing Potential of Combination Therapy: Gentian violet/methylene blue-impregnated Dressing
and Ovine Dermal Template (ODT). Jeffery Zimmerman Jr. DPMc, Ebony Love DPM, FAPWH, Robert
W. Herpen DPM, FAPWCA, Ziad Labbad DPM, FAPWCA. Abstract presented at the 2016 Annual
Scientific Meeting of the APMA.
Palmarchuk, Labbad, Beights, Price. Treatment of an 18 year-old Athlete With Surgically corrected
Lower Extremity Arthrogryposis and Multiple Brace Failures, 2013, Poster, National APMA.
Co-Author of the Curricular Guide for Podiatric Medical Education. AACPM Council of Faculties 2018
Edition. Pharmacology section.
Co-Author of the Biomechanics Manual of TUSPM
Compendium of Podiatric Medicine and Surgery 2016. Kendrick A. Whitney, D.P.M. (2016). Vascular
Disorders edited by Ziad Labbad, M.D., D.P.M., Ebony Love, D.P.M. Data Trace Publishing Company,
Brooklandville, MD; ISBN 978-1-57400-900-5Compendium of Podiatric Medicine and Surgery 2015. Kendrick A. Whitney, D.P.M. (2015). Vascular
Disorders edited by Ziad Labbad, M.D., D.P.M., Ebony Love, D.P.M., and Marc Karpo, D.P.M.. Data
Trace Publishing Company, Brooklandville, MD; ISBN 1574001523
Compendium of Podiatric Medicine and Surgery 2014. Kendrick A. Whitney, D.P.M. (2014). Vascular
Disorders edited by Ziad Labbad, M.D., D.P.M.. Data Trace Publishing Company, Brooklandville, MD
Compendium of Podiatric Medicine and Surgery 2013. Kendrick A. Whitney, D.P.M. (2013). Vascular
Disorders edited by Ziad Labbad, M.D., D.P.M., Angel Cox, D.P.M., Robert Herpen, D.P.M., Marc
Karpo, D.P.M., and James McGuire, P.T., D.P.M.. Data Trace Publishing Company, Brooklandville, MD
Compendium of Podiatric Medicine and Surgery 2009. James B. McGuire, D.P.M. (2009). Medical
Devices edited by Ziad Labbad, M.D., D.P.M. Data Trace Publishing Company, Brooklandville, MD
Compendium of Podiatric Medicine and Surgery 2008. James B. McGuire, D.P.M. (2008). Medical
Devices edited by Ziad Labbad, M.D., D.P.M. Data Trace Publishing Company, Brooklandville, MD
Treatment of lesser metatarsophalangeal joint plantar plate tear via Extracorporeal Pulse Activation
Technology (EPAT) with MRI Follow-up: A case report by Ziad G. Labbad MD DPM Cped1 , Ebony Love
DPM DABPM1* , Deep N. Shah DPM2 , Yusuke Kihira DPM2 , Vsevolod Grinberg DPM2 The Foot and
Ankle Online Journal 13 (2): 5
Comparing the Etiologies, Signs and Drug Treatments of Gout: Literature Review. Ebony Love DPM
FAPWH, Tracey Vlahovic DPM, FFPM, RCPS (Glasg), Lesly Robinson DPM, Ziad Labbad DPM, Gilbert K
Huang BS. Submitted for publication to The Foot and Ankle Online Journal.
A Case Report with Biomechanical Analysis of an Achondroplastic Dwarf with Limb Length
Discrepancy. Current Pedorthics. Issue November/December 2017 Volume 49, Issue 6
Ebony L. Love, DPM, James McGuire DPM PT LPed, Howard Palamarchuk DPM, Ziad Labbad MD
DPM CPed, and Anthony Camarda BS.:
Bitar, M.S.; Labbad, Z.; Jones, E.; Pitkow, H.S. and Waldbillig, R.J.: Diabetes Induces Reductions in
Wound Fluid Growth Factors (IGF-I, TGFβ) and Increases Wound Fluid Collagenase Activity. J.
Wound Healing Society: Wound Repair and Regeneration, 1(2): 97, 1993.
Pitkow, H.S.; Labbad, Z.; Bitar, M.: The Effects of an Anabolic Hormone on Surgically Induced
Wound Healing in Lower Extremity Skeletal Muscles in Normal and Diabetic Rats. J. Wound Healing
Society: Wound Repair and Regeneration, 1(2): 119, 1993.
Pitkow, H.S.; Brekke, M.; Labbad, Z.; and Bitar, M.S.: Amino Acids, Dipeptide and Leg Skeletal
Muscle Wound Healing in Diabetes. J. Amer. Podiatry Med. Assoc., Nov. 1994.Pitkow, H.S., Labbad, Z.G., and Bitar, M.: The Effects of an Anabolic Hormone on Wound Healing in
Lower Extremity Anterior Leg Skeletal Muscles in Normal and Diabetic Rats. J. Pa. Acad. Sci. (Dec.
Bitar, M.S.; Labbad, Z. and Waldbillig, R.S.: Insulin and Insulin Like Growth Factors (IGF) Receptors
and IGF Binding Proteins (IGF BPO) in Retina: IGF BP as an Early Indication of Diabetes-Induced
Retinal Abnormalities. Submitted for publication (J. Neuroscience Letters).
Bitar, M.S.; Labbad, Z. and Waldbillig, R.S.: Diabetes-Induced Compartment Specific Alterations in
Serum and Wound Fluid IGF System: Implication for Understanding Impaired Wound Healing in
Diabetes (submitted for publication).
Bitar, M.S.; Labbad, Z. and Shapiro, B.H.: Developmental Levels of Hepatic Monooxygenase of Male
Rats Perinatally Exposed to Maternally Administered Valproic Acid. Manuscript in preparation.
Bitar, M.S.; Labbad, Z.; Pitkow, H.S.: Modification of Diabetes-Induced Changes in Anterior Leg
Muscle Wound Healing by Isoandrosterone. Manuscript in preparation.
Labbad, Z., Bogart, L.: The Effects of MESALT and NORMALGEL on Open Non-healing Wounds in
Pitkow, H.; Labbad, Z.: The Influence of Amino Acids on Anterior Leg Muscle Wound Healing in
Diabetic Rats. J. Pa. Acad. Sci., 69 (Suppl): 159, 1996