Valerie Cook is serving as the Research Coordinator within the Department of Podiatric Medicine at Temple University. She holds a Bachelors degree in Healthcare Administration from Pierce College. Subsequent education was dedicated to becoming a Research Coodrinator. After 18 years as a Project Coordinator at CHOP, she joined our community at TUSPM in 2022. She brings expertise to the critical role and sensitive work of preparing and consenting patients for research.
As Research Coordinator, she has been responsible for orchestrating various data collection initiatives. This includes developing cooperative and collaborative relationships with other agencies or institutions. She enjoys the unique challenges of recruitment of human subjects and the supervision of the recruitment process. She has helped in development and oversight of reports, and liaising with sponsoring funding bodies to facilitate the research project's hypothesis testing.
Ms. Cook is involed in the acquisition of clinical data, laboratory results, other pertinent sample materials, and subsequent follow-up information. Tasked with providing and retrieving patient and study-specific details, addressing queries related to collected data, identifying missing or conflicting data, and ensuring the maintenance of up-to-date contact information for external physicians. Her commitment to excellence in research coordination is unwavering as she continues to contribute to the advancement of knowledge within the field of podiatric medicine.
Ms. Cook has proven herself an invaluable member of the TUSPM community by sharing her knowledge and expertise with our student body as they prepare for their own careers in clinical research.