Laura Sansosti, DPM, FACFAS

Laura Sansosti, DPM, FACFAS

Laura Sansosti, DPM, FACFAS

  • Podiatry

    • Departments of Biomechanics and Surgery

      • Clinical Associate Professor


Following graduation from the Temple University Hospital Podiatric Medicine and Surgery Residency Program in 2017, I started my career at TUSPM in the Departments of Biomechanics and Surgery. I enjoy teaching students and residents throughout their education and training and delivering high quality care to our patients. I am Board Certified in Foot and Reconstructive Rearfoot/Ankle Surgery by the American Board of Foot and Ankle Surgery. I am also highly involved with several of our national organizations including, but not limited to, the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons and the American Board of Foot and Ankle Surgery. I continue to be involved in research, including serving as a Peer Reviewer for the Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery and as Editor-in-Chief for the Compendium of Podiatric Medicine and Surgery.



Courses Taught

Principles of First Ray Surgery – Course Director

Pathomechanics - Course Director

Sports Medicine – Course Director

Surgical Skills, Radiology, Reconstructive Surgery, Traumatology, OR Protocol, Principles of Podiatric Surgery I – Guest Lecturer

Publications & Presentations



Meyr AJ, Sansosti LE.  The flatfoot deformity in five pieces.

-In: Tower D, editor. Evidence based podiatric medicine: A clinical guide to diagnosis and management. Springer, 2020. p. 121-138.


            Butterworth M, Sansosti LE. Non-union and mal-union.

-In: McGlamry’s Comprehensive Textbook of Foot and Ankle Surgery. Fifth Edition.


Mateen S, Sansosti LE, Meyr AJ. A critical biomechanical evaluation of foot and ankle soft tissue repair.

-In: Chang TJ and Theodoulou MH, editors. Clinics in Podiatric Medicine and Surgery. Update on fibrocartilaginous disease. Elsevier, 2022. p. 521-533. (PubMed ID# 35717067)


Sansosti LE, Joseph R, Grambart S. Teaching science to the next generation.

-In: Chang TJ and Meyr AJ, editors. Clinics in Podiatric Medicine and Surgery. The state of podiatric science. Elsevier, 2024. p. 367-377. (PubMed ID#: 38388133)           


Indexed Manuscripts:


Piraino JA, Busch EL, Sansosti LE, Pettineo SP, Creech C. Use of an all-suture anchor for re-creation of the anterior talofibular ligament: a case report.

                         -J Foot Ankle Surg. 2015 54(1): 126-129. (PubMed ID#: 25441274)


Sansosti LE, Berger M, Gerrity M, Kelly P and Meyr AJ.  The effect of patient positioning on toe pressure measurement with non-invasive vascular testing.

            -Br J Community Nurs. 2015 Sep; 20 Suppl 9: S12-6.  (PubMed ID#: 26322400)


Sansosti LE, Rocha ZM, Lawrence MW, Meyr AJ.  Effect of variable lower extremity immobilization devices on brake response driving outcomes.

-J Foot Ankle Surg. 2016 55(5): 999-1002. (PubMed ID#: 27445123)


Meyr AJ, Sansosti L, Ali S. A pictorial review of reconstructive foot and ankle surgery: elective lesser forefoot procedures.

            -J Radiol Case Rep. 2016 Nov 30; 10(11):8-22. (PubMed ID#: 28580056)


Sansosti LE, Greene T, Hasenstein T, Berger M, Meyr AJ. U.S. state driving regulations relevant to foot and ankle surgeons.

            -J Foot Ankle Surg. 2017 56(3): 522-542. (PubMed ID#: 28259443)


Spiess KE, Sansosti LE, Meyr AJ. Diabetic driving studies-part 2: a comparison of brake response time between drivers with diabetes with and without lower extremity sensorimotor neuropathy.

            -J Foot Ankle Surg. 2017 56(3): 573-576. (PubMed ID#: 28476388)


Sansosti, LE, Spiess KE, Meyr AJ. Diabetic driving studies-part 3: a comparison of mean brake response time between neuropathic diabetic drivers with and without foot pathology.

            -J Foot Ankle Surg. 2017 56(3): 577-580. (PubMed ID#: 28476389)


Meyr AJ, Sansosti L, Ali S. A pictorial review of reconstructive foot and ankle surgery: evaluation and intervention of the flatfoot deformity.

            -J Radiol Case Rep. 2017 Jun 30;11(6):26-36. (PubMed ID#: 29299095)


Sansosti LE, Crowell AC, Choi ET, Meyr AJ. Rate of and factors associated with ambulation after unilateral major lower-limb amputation at an urban US tertiary-care hospital with a multidisciplinary limb salvage team.

            -J Am Podiatr Med Assoc. 2017 Sep; 107(5):355-364. (PubMed ID#: 29077505)


Sansosti LE, Wiest A, Ellis-McConnell W, Meyr AJ. A survey of patient care handoff and sign out practices among podiatric residency programs.

            -J Am Podiatr Med Assoc. 2018 Mar;108(2):151-157. (PubMed ID#: 29634310)


Sansosti LE, Meyr AJ. Anatomic feasibility of distal fibula bicortical screw fixation with lateral neutralization plating for rotational ankle fractures.

-J Foot Ankle Surg. 2018 Sep-Oct; 57(5):910-912. (PubMed ID#: 29891131)


Sansosti LE, Van JC, Meyr AJ. Effect of obesity on total ankle arthroplasty: A systematic review of postoperative complications requiring surgical revision.

            -J Foot Ankle Surg. 2018 Mar - Apr;57(2):353-356. (PubMed ID#: 29284576)


Sansosti LE, Meyr AJ.  A review of the effect of lower extremity pathology on automobile driving function.

-J Am Podiatr Med Assoc. 2019 Mar-Apr; 109(2): 132-40. (PubMed ID#: 31135204)


Penny H, Tran S, Sansosti L, Pettineo S, Bloom A, Qureshi R, Bickers D, Kreuz E, Zaki P, McGuire J. Comparison of two pixelated insoles using in-shoe pressure sensors to determine percent offloading: case studies.

            -J Wound Care. 2020 Feb 1; 29(Sup2c): S18-S26. (PubMed ID#: 32058841)


Foote C, Hatzinger S, Sansosti LE, Meyr AJ. Perceived stress of podiatric medical students.

                        -J Am Podiatr Med Assoc. 2020 Sep 1; 110(5): Article_8. doi: 10.7547/18-067.

(PubMed ID#: 33179069)


Bik PM, Heineman K, Levi J, Sansosti LE, Meyr AJ. The effect of remnant metatarsal parabola structure on transmetatarsal amputation primary healing and durability.

            -J Foot Ankle Surg. 2021 Nov 10; Online ahead of print. (PubMed ID# 34852948)


Meyr AJ, Skolnik J, Mateen S, Sansosti LE. A comparison of adverse short-term outcomes following forefoot amputation performed on an inpatient versus outpatient basis.

-J Foot Ankle Surg. 2022 Jan-Feb; 61(1):67-71. Epub 2021 Jun 20. (PubMed ID# 34266720)


Meyr AJ and Sansosti LE. An evaluation of basic demographic characteristics in foot and ankle surgery

From the American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program.

            -J Foot Ankle Surg. 2022 Jan 5; Online ahead of print. (PubMed ID# 35094935)


            Levi J, Heineman K, Sansosti LE, Meyr AJ. Factors associated with successful closed reduction of

dislocated ankle fractures at a US level-1 trauma center. 

-J Foot Ankle Surg. 2023; 62(3):455-457. (PubMed ID#: 36526513)


Other Publications:


Sansosti, LE, Pontious J. Vitamin D and bone healing.

                        -The Podiatry Institute Update Manual, 2015.


Sansosti LE, Rocha ZM, Lawrence MW, Meyr AJ.  The effect of variable lower extremity immobilization devices on brake response driving outcomes.

-Featured in Lower Extremity Review, October 2016 Issue. 


Sansosti LE, Pontious J. Pertinent insights on lesser metatarsal osteotomies.

                         -Podiatry Today. October 2016; 29(10)

                        -Available at:


Sansosti LE. Correlation between the Lauge-Hansen classification and ligament injuries in ankle fractures.

            -Foot and Ankle Quarterly; Winter 2017.  28(4): 223.


Sansosti LE, Naguib S. Trauma.

-In:  Whitney KA, editor.  Compendium of Podiatric Medicine and Surgery 2017.    Brooklandville, Maryland:  Data Trace Publishing Company; 2017.


TUH Podiatric Surgical Residency Program residents and faculty. 

                        -April 2018 Formal Journal Club audio recorded for the Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery.

                        -May 2018 Formal Journal Club audio recorded for the Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery.


Sansosti LE, Naguib S. Trauma.

-In:  Whitney KA, editor.  Compendium of Podiatric Medicine and Surgery 2018.    Brooklandville, Maryland:  Data Trace Publishing Company; 2018.


Sansosti LE, Mateen S. Trauma.

-In:  Whitney KA, editor.  Compendium of Podiatric Medicine and Surgery 2019.    Brooklandville, Maryland:  Data Trace Publishing Company; 2019.


Sansosti LE, Mateen S. Trauma.

-In:  Whitney KA, editor.  Compendium of Podiatric Medicine and Surgery 2020.    Brooklandville, Maryland:  Data Trace Publishing Company; 2020.

            Sansosti LE, Meyr AJ. Where do DPMs publish?: A bibliometric inquiry of 2019.

                        -Podiatry Today. October 2021

                        -Available at:



Sansosti LE, Mateen S. Trauma.

-In:  Whitney KA, editor.  Compendium of Podiatric Medicine and Surgery 2021.    Brooklandville, Maryland:  Data Trace Publishing Company; 2021.


Kellmyer A, Reddy P, Ayvazov S, Siciliano M, Somma J, Van G, Love E, Sansosti LE, Labbad Z, Khan

            K. 3D Printing Technology: Rethinking the Approach to Talar Surgery: A Literature Review.

                        -The Journal of the International Foot and Ankle Foundation. 2022; 1(1):3.


Sansosti LE, Heineman K. Trauma.

-In: Sansosti LE, editor.  Compendium of Podiatric Medicine and Surgery 2022.

Brooklandville, Maryland:  Data Trace Publishing Company; 2022.


Sansosti LE, Hill R. Trauma.

-In: Sansosti LE, editor.  Compendium of Podiatric Medicine and Surgery 2023.

Brooklandville, Maryland:  Data Trace Publishing Company; 2023.


Sansosti LE, Fazio S. Rearfoot Reconstruction.

-In: Sansosti LE, editor.  Compendium of Podiatric Medicine and Surgery 2023.

Brooklandville, Maryland:  Data Trace Publishing Company; 2023.


McGuire J, Sansosti LE. Wound Care.

-In: Sansosti LE, editor.  Compendium of Podiatric Medicine and Surgery 2023.

Brooklandville, Maryland:  Data Trace Publishing Company; 2023.



Oral Manuscripts (* indicates presenting author):   


Meyr AJ, Sansosti L, Ali S*. A pictorial review of reconstructive foot and ankle surgery: elective lesser forefoot procedures.

                        -Presented at the 2015 American Roentgen Ray Society Annual Meeting.


Sansosti LE*, Berger MD, Gerrity MA, Meyr AJ. The effect of patient positioning on absolute digital toe pressures with non-invasive vascular testing.

-Presented at the 2015 Goldfarb Clinical Conference.

-Winner:  6th Annual Goldfarb Residency Research Contest. 


Sansosti LE*, Wiest A, Choi ET, Meyr AJ.  Factors associated with return to ambulation following major lower limb amputation at an urban US tertiary care center.

-Presented at the 2016 Delaware Valley Vascular Society Annual Meeting.


Spiess KE*, Sansosti LE*, Meyr AJ.  The Temple Diabetic Driving Studies:  Summary findings. 

-Presented at the 2016 American Podiatric Medical Association ASM. 

            -Third Place: Oral Manuscript Competition.

-Presented at the 2016 Goldfarb Clinical Conference.

            -Winner: 7th Annual Goldfarb Residency Research Contest.


Sansosti LE*, Rocha ZM, Lawrence MW, Meyr AJ.  The effect of variable lower extremity immobilization devices on brake response driving outcomes.

-Presented at the 2016 American Podiatric Medical Association ASM. 

            -First Place: Oral Manuscript Competition.


Sansosti LE*, Meyr AJ. Anatomic feasibility of distal fibula bicortical fixation with lateral neutralization plating.

-Presented at the 2017 American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons ASC.


Skolnik J*, Meyr AJ, Mateen S, Sansosti LE. A comparison of adverse short-term outcomes following

forefoot amputation performed on an inpatient versus outpatient basis. 

            -Presented at the 2021 American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons ASC.



Poster Presentations:


Walters J, Callahan J, Cavallo A, Falk J, Sansosti L. Utilization of platelet-rich plasma in the treatment of chronic plantar fasciitis.

-Presented at the 2011 American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons ASC.


Sansosti L, Busch E, Chandhok S, Parikh S, Williams B. Juggerknot suture anchor in anterior talofibular ligament reconstruction: a case study.

-Presented at the 2012 American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons ASC.


Creech CL, Sansosti L, Meyr AJ.  The effect of patient positioning and radiographic projection on assessment of fibular length in ankle mortise anatomic alignment. 

-Presented at the 2014 American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons ASC.


Sansosti L, Berger MD, Gerrity MA, Meyr AJ. The effect of patient positioning on absolute digital toe pressures with non-invasive vascular testing.

-Presented at the 2014 Georgetown University Diabetic Limb Salvage Conference.

-Presented at the 2015 American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons ASC.

            -Second Place: Student Poster Competition

-Presented at the 2015 Diabetic Foot Global Conference (DFCon).


Wiest A, Sansosti L, Ellis W, Yurkanin G, Meyr AJ, Van JC.  Treatment of joint depression calcaneal fractures utilizing combination mini external fixator and percutaneous screw fixation.

-Presented at the 2015 American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons ASC.


Ali S, Sansosti L, Meyr AJ.  A pictorial review of reconstructive foot and ankle surgery: evaluation and intervention of the flatfoot deformity.

                        -Presented at the 2015 Association of University Radiologists Annual Meeting.


Spiess KE, Sansosti LE, Meyr AJ.  The Temple Diabetic Driving Studies Parts II and III:   Part II:  A comparison of mean brake response time in diabetic drivers with and without lower extremity sensorimotor neuropathy; Part III:  A comparison of brake response time in neuropathic diabetic drivers with and without diabetic foot pathology.

-Presented at the 2016 American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons ASC.


Sansosti LE, Wiest A, Choi ET, Meyr AJ.  Factors associated with return to ambulation following major lower limb amputation at an urban US tertiary care center.

-Presented at the 2016 American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons Scientific Conference.

-Presented at the 2016 Georgetown University Diabetic Limb Salvage Conference.

            -Second Place: Dr. Robert W. Hobson II Award for Best Abstract

-Presented at the 2016 American Podiatric Medical Association ASM.   


Sansosti LE, Wiest A, Ellis-McConnell W, Meyr AJ.  A survey of patient care handoff practices among podiatric residency programs.

-Presented at the 2016 Temple University Hospital Healthcare Quality Week

-Presented at the 2016 American Podiatric Medical Association ASM. 


Spiess KE, Sansosti LE, Meyr AJ.  The Temple Diabetic Driving Studies:  Summary findings. 

-Presented at the 2016 Georgetown University Diabetic Limb Salvage Conference.

-Presented at the 2016 American Podiatric Medical Association ASM. 


Sansosti LE, Rocha ZM, Lawrence MW, Meyr AJ.  The effect of variable lower extremity immobilization devices on brake response driving outcomes.

-Presented at the 2016 Georgetown University Diabetic Limb Salvage Conference.

-Presented at the 2016 American Podiatric Medical Association ASM.

-Presented at the 2016 American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons ASC.

            -Third Place: Student Poster Competition

-Presented at the 2016 Kaiser Permanente Foot and Ankle Summit 

            -Second Place: Student Poster Contest


Sansosti LE, Greene T, Berger M, Hasenstein T, Meyr AJ.  US state driving laws specific to podiatric medicine and surgery.

-Presented at the 2016 American Podiatric Medical Association ASM. 


Sansosti LE, Meyr AJ. Anatomic feasibility of distal fibula bicortical fixation with lateral neutralization plating.

-Presented at the 2016 American Podiatric Medical Association ASM. 


Sansosti LE, Van JC, Meyr AJ. The effect of obesity on total ankle arthroplasty post-operative complications: a systematic review.

            -Presented at the 2017 American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons ASC.


Sansosti LE, Ellis-McConnell W, Meyr AJ. The effect and characteristics of Wagstaffe avulsion fracture involvement on fixation of supination external rotation-type ankle fractures.

            -Presented at the 2017 American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons ASC.


Naguib SA, Sansosti LE, Meyr AJ.  Computerized tomography measurement of the distal fibula articular facet as it relates to bicortical fixation.

-Presented at the 2017 American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons ASC.


Lohre JM, DeSimone RV, Meyr AJ, Sansosti LE. A critical evaluation of the treatment of ankle fractures presenting to the emergency department of an urban level-1 trauma center.

            -Presented at the 2018 American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons ASC.


Foote CM, Hatzinger SJ, Sansosti LE, Meyr AJ.  Perceived stress of podiatric medical students.

                        -Presented at the 2018 American Podiatric Medical Association ASM.

                                    -Second place:  Outstanding Poster Abstract competition


Naguib S, Shim H, Sansosti LE, Meyr AJ. Laterality of acute ankle pathology.

                        -Presented at the 2019 American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons ASC.


Hasenstein TA, Sansosti LE, Meyr AJ. Anatomy and geometry of the medial interosseous tarsometatarsal (Lisfranc) ligament.

                        -Presented at the 2019 American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons ASC.


McGuire J, Pettineo S, Sansosti L, Tran S, Bloom A, Qureshi R. A novel approach in plantar pressure reduction using pixelated insoles for the offloading of neuropathic ulcers.

            -Presented at the 2019 Diabetic Limb Salvage Conference


Bik PM. Heineman K, Levi J, Sansosti LE, Meyr AJ.  The effect of metatarsal parabola structure on transmetatarsal amputation failure.

                        -Presented at the 2020 American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons ASC.

-Presented at the 2020 APMA Online CECH Summer Series. 

-Presented virtually at the 2021 Keeping Ischemic and Threatened Extremities Safe symposium.


Magodia S, Dougherty MJ, Sansosti LE, Meyr AJ.  A systematic review of first metatarsal-phalangeal joint arthrodesis union with locking and non-locking plate technology.

                        -Presented at the 2020 American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons ASC.

                        -Presented at the 2020 APMA Online CECH Summer Series. 

                        -Presented virtually at the 2020 Goldfarb Clinical Conference.


Sansosti LE, Meyr AJ. Where do DPMs Publish?: A bibliometric analysis of 2019.

            -Presented at the 2021 American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons ASC.

            -Presented at the 2021 American Podiatric Medical Association ASM.

-Presented virtually at the 2021 Goldfarb Clinical Conference.


Shim H, Bik P, Sansosti LE, Meyr AJ. A systematic review of proximal 5th metatarsal fractures treated with plate fixation versus intramedullary screw fixation.

            -Presented at the 2021 American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons ASC.

-Presented virtually at the 2021 Goldfarb Clinical Conference


Heineman K, Levi J, Sansosti LE, Meyr AJ. Factors associated with successful closed reduction of dislocated ankle fractures at a US level-1 trauma center.

            -Presented at the 2021 American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons ASC.

            -Presented at the 2021 American Podiatric Medical Association ASM.

-Presented virtually at the 2021 Goldfarb Clinical Conference.

            -Second place:  Scientific category


Stawicki CE, Zhang S, Brown AJ, Mojica B, Schwab AJ, Roman SJ, Cziraky E. The impact of COVID-19 on foot and ankle surgical practice: a national survey.

            -Faculty advisor for TUSPM student poster

-Presented at the 2021 ACFAS ASC.

-Presented virtually at the 2021 Goldfarb Clinical Conference.

            -First place:  Scientific category.


Meyr AJ, Skolnik J, Mateen S, Sansosti LE.  A comparison of adverse short-term outcomes following forefoot amputation performed on an inpatient versus outpatient basis.

-Presented at the 2021 American Podiatric Medical Association Annual Scientific Meeting.

            -Third place:  2021 APMA ASM Outstanding Poster Abstract competition

-Presented virtually at the 2021 Goldfarb Clinical Conference.

-Presented virtually at the 2021 Keeping Ischemic and Threatened Extremities Safe symposium.

-Presented virtually at the 2022 Diabetic Limb Salvage Conference


Meyr AJ, Magodia S, Shim H, Sansosti LE. An evaluation of gender, race and ethnicity differences between elective and emergent foot and ankle surgical procedure designations.

            -Presented virtually at the 2021 Goldfarb Clinical Conference.


Zhang S, Vazquez JT, Cziraky E, Mutpur R, Hobbs M, Beckett LR, Zvonar J, Sansosti LE. Comparison of open versus minimally invasive surgery in the correction of hallux valgus deformity.

            -Faculty advisor for TUSPM student poster

-Presented at the 2022 ACFAS ASC.

            -First place: 2022 Student Poster Category

                        -Presented at the 2022 Goldfarb Clinical Conference.


Vazquez JT, Roberto R, Zvonar J, Jebackumar B, Chauhan P, Choi J, Daga N, Sansosti LE. Use of intra-operative fluoroscopy for minimally invasive surgery in the correction of the hallux valgus deformity.

            -Faculty advisor for TUSPM student poster

-Presented at the 2023 ACFAS ASC.

            -Third place: 2023 Student Poster Category

-Presented at the 2023 Goldfarb Clinical Conference


Roberto R, Speis D, Daga N, Amin S, Royds M, Sullivan T, Fricker L, Sansosti LE. Which metatarsals in metatarsus adductus contribute to the deformity?: Comparative radiographic assessment and implications on surgical management.

                        -Faculty advisor for TUSPM student poster

                        -Presented at the 2024 ACFAS ASC.

                        -Presented at the 2024 Goldfarb Clinical Conference