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Podiatry Content Connection


A Guide to What Podiatry Practices Learn From Reviews

There are three parts to most reviews: stars, comments and quantity.   


  • 1 – 2 stars = Your practice is in trouble!
  • 3 stars are not good enough
  • 4 stars is good
  • 4.6 - 4.9 are excellent
  • 5 stars may seem questionable (too good to be believed)

94% of potential patients do not consider Podiatrists with less than 4 stars!


  • Bad comments can shut down your online presence.
  • A good comment is one that does not dissuade anyone from choosing you.
  • A great comment gives reasons to choose you above others.

It is always good policy to thank reviewers and to directly address any negative comments as a reply under the comment.

Number of Recent Reviews

  • Too few reviews suggest that no one uses you as their DPM (except perhaps your brother-in-law).
  • Old reviews may seem like you might have stopped practicing.
  • Lots of recent reviews show that people have chosen you as their provider
